Angle Cordless Nutrunner BCV
Powerful and durable with superior ergonomics
The Angle Cordless Nutrunner BCV is a lightweight and handy tool ideal for quality critical applications where flexibility is essential. Its compact size and Lithium-Ion batteries put it among the lightest battery nutrunners on the market. The nutrunner provides variable speed and plenty of power with range of torque level offering maximum operator comfort. The slim, well-balanced design and ergonomic angle make the BCV Cordless Nutrunner the kind of tool that you can work with all day.
- High power-to-weight
- Brushless motor and magnetic hall sensors
- Unrivalled clutch design
- Excellent torque repeatability
- Low mean shift
- Two strong front lights for best visibility
- Speed setting functionality
- Li-Ion better technology
- No trip hazards from trailing cables
- No product damage from cables or hoses
- High performance and durability
- Reduced operator fatigue
Service Solutions
- Install your products fast and right at the first time
- Repair, calibrate or maintain your tools to ensure a durable performance